It is our deep desire that your first visit to Elim City Church is positive, encouraging and life-impacting. To that end, we’d like to give you a quick summary of what you may expect when you stop by. If you have more questions or would simply like to let us know you’re coming, contact us.
What to Wear
Our church family comes together with no formal dress code. Some enjoy the opportunity to dress up formally while most prefer the comfort of the casual clothes they wear every day. You are welcome to come as you are, with no expectation for anything else!
Service Time
Our Sunday morning service is at 10:00am and is approximately 60 minutes in length.
Hopefully, you have no problems finding where we are. To be safe though, feel free to print directions from our Contact or just plug our address into your GPS! The church is very easy to find and parking is available in the parking lot behind the church building.
Upon Arrival
When you arrive and park, you will note our main entrance situated on Park St. Our friendly greeters will meet you at the door. Our Guest Services Host will answer all of your questions about where to go, where the bathrooms are, what programs we offer for children and any other questions you might have.
The Worship
The people at Elim City Church are of all ages with differing styles and tastes in music which we consider to be a GOOD thing! As a result the songs we incorporate into our services range from contemporary to traditional. Our heart is to worship God through songs that glorify Him – this is what the people of Elim have in common. Our instruments and voices are a Biblical, corporate, visible, and joyful way in which we praise and worship God. During this time you are welcome to participate in whatever way you prefer, whether by standing, clapping and singing or by sitting and reflecting. So make yourself comfortable and at home!
Prayer and Offering
Each Sunday we take a few moments to share some announcements about upcoming events following the praise and worship. Offering can be done either online on this site or at our giving station in the foyer. We encourage you to feel no obligation to give and simply take note of any upcoming activities our church is offering which you might be interested in participating in. Occasionally, we may also take a moment to pray for one or more attendees who are in need or who are in a unique season of growth or change.
The Message
The final element in our Sunday service is the message. Every message is bathed in hours of preparation & prayer and will hopefully result in challenging you to discover God and His love more every time you listen.
Following the Service
When the service concludes, you are welcome to stay and chat with those around you or make your way to lunch and the rest of your day’s activities. On your way out, we encourage you to introduce yourself to Pastor Joel, who loves to take time for guests.