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The Holy Spirit can change your very nature. It does however mean that you will want to surrender everything to...
Branch Out
He is the vine and were are the branches. We all should know why its important to abide in Christ. However, we also need to understand why our lives can be so...
Where is Your Focus?
When the storm comes, where does your focus lie. Your eyes can only be fixed on one thing. If our eyes are to be kept on Jesus, what does that look...
The Fear of God
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The Power of Choosing Joy
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The Pioneer Spirit
Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right...
God Bless You
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Is This Really Freedom?
As a member of our church leadership and National Sozo Facilitator, Susan Rashotte has a message that will encourage us to pursue true freedom in...